Member Renewal

The AAUW membership year ends June 30.  We urge our members to submit their renewal dues in April or May to avoid the June rush and the need for multiple payment reminders.  There are two ways to renew:

  1. ONLINE RENEWAL:  Online renewal is usually easiest for members and the branch.  When using this system, through the Member Center of, you can print out a receipt for yourself, and check back a day or two later to confirm that the website branch roster shows your membership as renewed.  This payment method also provides an opportunity to make a charitable donation to AAUW Funds, to update your personal record in the AAUW database, and even a chance to print out a new membership card with your name and new expiration date.  Here are the step-by-step procedures:
    1. Go to  When the Homepage for AAUW comes up, look for “Member Center” at the very top of the page and click on that link.
    2. The next page you see will require a log-in with your membership number. There is a look-up function that will find your number for you by answering the questions presented. This number is often found on publications sent to you by AAUW, and can be provided to you by an officer or board member or any member who has access to the branch roster found in the Member Center.  Once you have your membership number, make a record of it so you can easily access the Member Center in the future.
    3. After you reach the Member Center, click on the words “Member Services Database” listed in a column on the left side of the page.
    4. The log-in page for the Member Services Database will require both your membership number and a password.  If you have not been to this part of the website before, you can create a password for yourself following the instructions given.  If you have previously entered this site but have forgotten your password, follow the instructions for recovering the password and then keep a record of it for this next time you access the Member Services Database.
    5. After entering your membership number and your password, click “Log in” and the name of the branch will come up in the middle of the next page.  Click on the name of the branch and you will be at the access page for your personal record and the branch records.
    6. Your reward for working your way through these instructions is an easy way to renew your membership, make donations and obtain other useful information:

i.     To renew your membership, click on “Renew My Membership” – found near the bottom of the list of tasks on the left side of the page.  When completing the renewal process, be sure you confirm your submittal of payment and print out a receipt for yourself.

ii.     While you are in the Member Services Database, take a look at the Branch Member Roster, the last item in the list of links on the left side of the page.  You can review and print out a roster of all the members of the branch, including their membership numbers.  A membership expiration date is listed.  If you check back in a few days after paying your dues, you should see the roster updated to reflect your renewal.  Print out the updated roster as a second verification that your dues have been paid.  (Note:  if you are a life member the renewal date does not show.)

iii.     If you have time to stay in the Member Services Database a little longer, click on the top link on the left to see your member profile.  This is where you can check to make sure that AAUW has your address and e-mail correct.  You also can print a membership card from this page and review your record of contributions to AAUW Funds, which can be useful when compiling a record of donations at tax time.

iv.     The Member Services Database is also the spot to obtain a list of branch and state officers or to send messages through the included e-mail links.

v.     Thank you for following these renewal procedures.   The branch will automatically be notified of your renewal and there will be a permanent record of your payment in the AAUW database.

2.      RENEWAL BY CHECK:  Contact the branch directly via email at

to join or renew your membership by check.  Please note, we do not accept credit card payments.