Who We are:
Members of the Kirkland-Redmond Branch come from all walks of life and generally reside in the Northeast area of Puget Soun
d. We share a commitment to promoting AAUW’s values including lifelong education and equity for all women and girls, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. This is accomplished through a variety of events including STEM conferences for middle and high school girls (Expanding Your Horizons at Bellevue College), as well as recognition of highly motivated juniors in local high schools for excellence in STEM classes.
In addition to this important work, we enjoy socializing and share a love of reading. We have a number of interest groups including four (4!) book groups, a “Great Decisions” political discussion group, a wine tasting group, and an “Out To Lunch Bunch”
Promoting Equity:
In support of our mission, branch members are involved in various programs promoting equity for women and girls.
Our branch recognizes young women in their Junior year from Lake Washington High Schools, chosen by their counselors for excellence in Math, Science, and Technology coursework. We honor them at our annual “Scholar Recognition” event.
We offer an annual scholarship for women pursuing an education at Cascadia College in Bothell.
From a local to national level, we support legislation to “Level the Playing Field,” such as:
AAUW Focus 2015-16 TItle IX
The American Association of University Women strongly supports the vigorous enforcement of Title IX and all other civil rights laws pertaining to education. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 was the first comprehensive federal law to prohibit sex discrimination in education. It covers women and men, girls and boys, and staff and students in any educational institution or program that receives federal funds. This includes local school districts, colleges and universities, for-profit schools, career and technical education agencies, libraries, and museums. Music classes or choirs, sex education classes, and sports involving bodily contact are exempt from Title IX, as are religious institutions if the law would violate their religious tenets. Admissions policies at private undergraduate institutions are also exempt.Thank you for visiting Kirkland-Redmond AAUW website. If you would like to subscribe, have comments or questions, please enter your email address at the top of this page and we will contact you. Or visit us on our Facebook page.
Consider joining us Today!